
Astaxanthin,a significant finding !

Some people say: astaxanthin found shoulder to shoulder penicillin  in early twentieth century. Since the discovery of penicillin led to antibiotics widely used, almost destroyed pneumonia, meningitis and other infectious diseases of high incidence which troubled human.

  Today, the medical profession also finally confirmed,chronic diseases troubled human nowadays , such as high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, gout and other metabolic diseases.Its pathogenesis is Oxidative Stress, as the Tongji Medical College professor Wu Zhigang said, oxidative damage is the mother of all injury.

  If we can effectively prevent oxidative stress injury in  early onset, we  also expected to terminate or delay the occurrence and development of this kind of disease. ASTA astaxanthin cell antioxidant  as penicillin against bacterial infection, which can be inferred, with the cognition and application of astaxanthin, the chronic diseases above will also be expected to be effectively controlled in this century.


The summary of lycopene

Lycopene ,a kind of important carotenoid,widely distributed in nature,content higher in the mature red fruit crop.such as tomatoes, carrots, watermelon,highest in tomato ,each 100g content of up to 3 ~ 14mg.

In addition, lycopene content and plant fruit maturity has a direct positive relationship.The relative molecular mass of lycopene was 536.85.Molecular formula is C40H56, containing 11 conjugated double bonds and 2 non conjugated double bond.Easily soluble in chloroformand benzene,can soluble in ether and acetone,hardly insoluble in methanol and ethanol, insoluble in water. Natural plant lycopene almost exsit in trans structure form, after entering the animal body lycopene exist isomers , but with more cis isomers .

In the animal body, lycopene by intestinal absorption and plasma chylomicron binding into lymphatic, then with the blood circulation distributed to all of the tissues of the body organs, but mainly accumulated in low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein, but present more  in the liver, testes, adrenal gland other tissues and organs.


Theanine,activists in animals and plants

Many physiological functions of tea was confirmed by scientific, the health composition has aroused people's widespread interest. Research on tea polyphenols at the beginning of last century has made great achievements.In recent studies of other health ingredients of tea ,theanine is a more noticeable compound .

Theanine is one of the unique chemical components of tea  , aka N- ethyl - -L- glutamine, accounted for 50% in the total free amino acid of tea  and 1% to 2% of the dry weight of tea . Theanine is white needle crystal, solubling in water, with the sweet and fresh crisp taste, taste thresholds of 0.06%,which is the main component of tea fresh taste.

  • metabolism in plants

  Theanine in tea root ,synthesis of glutamic acid and triethylamine which catalyzed by theanine synthetase, and then sendto the leaf through the branches, accumulating in the leaves. The first leaf and bud content in the highest, gradually reduce down. In the light irradiation theanine  will be decomposed into glutamic acid and ethylamine. Glutamate turns to nitrogen source, triethylamine was used for the synthesis of catechins after oxidated. The catabolism of shielding the light condition was inhibited in.

  Therefore, the content of Theanine in tea shade cultivation of higher. The opposite is the high content of polyphenols. Japanese Yulu, grinding tea (Matcha tea raw material) is the use of shading cultivation method to improve tea tea ammonia acid content.

  • metabolism in animals
  Oral administration of theanine absorbed by brush border of intestinal mucosa . Uptaking mode is similar to glutamine  ,which need carrier depending on sodium ion , but the affinity lower  7 times than glutamine . Absorbed theanine rapidly into the blood and liver, these of brain, blood and liver  reached maximum in 1 hours before and after.  

  Theanine concentration in the brain  arrive the highest in 5 hours , then decreased gradually, which gone after 24 hours of these organizations .

  Site of metabolism of theanine is kidney, part in the kidney decomposed into triethylamine and glutamate excreted through the urine , another part direct ly discharge in vitro.


Why astaxanthin can make salmon, shrimp, crab red?

Astaxanthin is a kind of pigment, can give the ornamental fish, salmon, shrimp and flamingo pink color. Its chemical structure is similar to that of beta carotene. Astaxanthin is a kind of carotenoids,the highest level of product of carotenoid synthesis. beta carotene, lutein, lycopene and canthaxanthin, are nothing but the intermediate product of carotenoid biosynthesis.

  Therefore,astaxanthin has the strongest antioxidant  in nature,which is caused by the nature of algae, bacteria and phytoplankton.Astaxanthin  also known as  lobster shell pigment, pink, widely exists in the biosphere, especially high content of shrimp, crab, fish, algae, yeast and bird feathers.

  Some aquatic species, including shrimp, crab, shellfish are eating the algae and plankton, then put this pigment store in the shell, and their appearance turn red. The shellfish animal  hunted by  fish (salmon, trout, Gary fish), birds (Flamingo, Zhu Lu) and chicken, duck, and then put the pigment in the skin and adipose tissue storage.

 This is the reason why salmon and other animal in red . Huazhong Agricultural University professor of China also study confirmed,red components of Natural Red duck's egg is the core of natural astaxanthin.

  Natural astaxanthin  , the strongest in the world of natural antioxidants,can removes oxygen free radicals within the cell, enhance cell regeneration capacity, to maintain body balance and decrease the accumulation of senescent cells, from the inside to protect cells and DNA health, so as to protect the skin health, promoting hair growth, anti aging, ease of movement fatigue, enhance the vitality .