
Astaxanthin,a significant finding !

Some people say: astaxanthin found shoulder to shoulder penicillin  in early twentieth century. Since the discovery of penicillin led to antibiotics widely used, almost destroyed pneumonia, meningitis and other infectious diseases of high incidence which troubled human.

  Today, the medical profession also finally confirmed,chronic diseases troubled human nowadays , such as high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, gout and other metabolic diseases.Its pathogenesis is Oxidative Stress, as the Tongji Medical College professor Wu Zhigang said, oxidative damage is the mother of all injury.

  If we can effectively prevent oxidative stress injury in  early onset, we  also expected to terminate or delay the occurrence and development of this kind of disease. ASTA astaxanthin cell antioxidant  as penicillin against bacterial infection, which can be inferred, with the cognition and application of astaxanthin, the chronic diseases above will also be expected to be effectively controlled in this century.

