
Theanine improve menstrual syndrome.

Most women have premenstrual syndrome. PMS symptoms are uncomfortable 25-45-year-old woman appeared in 3-10 days before menstruation in spirit and body. Spiritually mainly for easy irritability, anger, depression, anxiety, inability to concentrate, etc., in the body mainly as fatigue, difficult people sleep, headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, backache, cold hands and feet and so on. Theanine sedation people think that they have to improve the role of premenstrual syndrome, clinical trials of women with proven its effectiveness


Theanine effect on the central nervous system

Et al measured across theanine various parts of the brain monoamine (monoamine) Metabolism found that theanine can significantly promote brain central dopamine (dopamine) release, improve the physiological activity of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous activation of brain cells, which are closely related with people's feelings physiologically active state. Despite the mechanism of action of theanine in the central nervous system it is not very clear. But the impact on the mental and emotional theanine is undoubtedly part of the central neurotransmitter dopamine from physiologically active role. Of course, anti-fatigue effects tea is also considered to some extent from this effect.


The role of theanine

Theanine (L-Theanine) is a unique free amino acid in tea, theanine γ- glutamic acid diethylamide, sweet. Theanine because the tea varieties, location and change. Theanine in dry tea accounts for 1% to 2% by weight. Theanine, glutamic acid, the active substance in the brain similar to glutamine in the chemical structure, the main component of tea 叶中生 moist sweet. New tea theanine content of about 1 to about 2%, its content decreases with the fermentation process.


Astaxanthin health

Astaxanthin in vivo protein binding and was blue, blue, anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-cancer, prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Astaxanthin from microalgae called Haematococcus clothing is, this kind of algae in the polar marine environment is extremely rich, and is a natural carotenoid (from yellow to red of any kind, including carotene and Qin pepper yellow). Astaxanthin is the carotenoid family of Qin Huang family in a pepper. Huang Qin pepper helps to prevent vitamin A, vitamin E and other carotenoids oxidation. Qin pepper and yellow are all carotenoids in the antioxidant effect of the strongest, β- carotene than 10 times, 100 times stronger than vitamin E.


Astaxanthin use

One natural astaxanthin (natural astaxanthin) the world's strongest natural antioxidants, effectively remove oxygen free radicals within cells, enhancing cell regeneration, maintain body balance and reduce the accumulation of senescent cells from the inside out protection healthy cells and DNA, thereby protecting skin health, promote hair growth, anti-aging, alleviate sports fatigue and vigor. Since 2008, a large number of domestic and international studies confirm that astaxanthin has a strong antioxidant activity, have a positive role in improving the immune system, prevent the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases.


natural astaxanthin

Biological source of natural astaxanthin generally have three kinds: aquatic products processing industry waste, Phaffia yeast (Phaffia rhodozyma) and microalgae (Haematococcus algae). Among them, the waste astaxanthin content is low, and the high cost of extraction is not suitable for mass production. Natural yeast Phaffia astaxanthin average content of 0.40%. In contrast, the rain pluvialis astaxanthin content was as high as 1.5% to 3.0%, so it is seen as a natural astaxanthin "concentrates."


natural astaxanthin

One natural astaxanthin (natural astaxanthin) the world's strongest natural antioxidants, effectively remove oxygen free radicals within cells, enhancing cell regeneration, maintain body balance and reduce the accumulation of senescent cells from the inside out protection healthy cells and DNA, thereby protecting skin health, promote hair growth, anti-aging, alleviate sports fatigue and vigor.


theanine mouse

High concentration of dopamine taking theanine mouse. The ability to test a variety of learning, one of which is the rat was placed in the box, the box has a lamp, according to a switch, there is the food came out lights. Taking theanine mice in a relatively short period of time to master the essentials, learning ability is higher than dissatisfied theanine mouse. The second is using mice have hid in the dark habit, when the mice went dark inch with a stun it, taking theanine mouse tends to linger in the light, in order from shock, suggesting a more dangerous dark strong memory. Visible, theanine has been improved memory and learning ability in mice results.


Absorption and metabolism.

   Oral theanine into the human body through the intestinal mucosa brush border to be absorbed into the blood, tissues and organs spread through the blood circulation, partially excreted in the urine in the kidneys is decomposed. Is absorbed into the blood and liver of theanine concentration decreased after one hour, the brain of theanine in 5 hours after the highest days before, 24 hours after the body was gone theanine, in the form of urine discharge.



Chu et al study had reported that they had Operanttest (in accordance with the light switch at the same time along with providing a learning experiment prey animal) found in rats with daily oral administration of theanine 180mg group compared to learning ability certain improvement. Further studies, in Avoidance test (when an animal from the light compartment into the darkroom placed prey, will be a shock darkroom animal memory experiment) is also confirmed theanine can enhance memory capability in rats. Many studies have shown that improve learning and memory effects of theanine is a result from the activation of the central nervous system neurotransmitter.


Anti-cancer drugs

Cancer incidence and mortality rates, developed for the treatment of cancer drugs often have strong side effects. When cancer treatment, in addition to the use of anti-cancer drugs, you must also use a variety of suppressing the side effects of the drug. Theanine itself has no anti-tumor activity, but it can improve a variety of anti-tumor activity. Theanine and antineoplastic and use, theanine can prevent anticancer drugs flow from tumor cells, enhancing the anti-cancer effect of anticancer drugs. Theanine also reduce the side effects of anticancer drugs, such as regulation of lipid peroxidation and reduce bone marrow cells and other white blood cells and reduce the side effects caused by anticancer drugs. Theanine also has a role in inhibiting cancer cell invasion, cell invasion is the necessary way to the spread of cancer. Inhibit infiltration can prevent the spread of cancer.


Theanine absorption and metabolism

Oral theanine into the human body through the intestinal mucosa brush border to be absorbed into the blood, tissues and organs spread through the blood circulation, partially excreted in the urine in the kidneys is decomposed. Is absorbed into the blood and liver of theanine concentration decreased after one hour, the brain of theanine in 5 hours after the highest days before, 24 hours after the body was gone theanine, in the form of urine discharge.


Try astaxanthin

In clinical studies, as of now, eight kinds of potential efficacy researchers Astaxanthin only in clinical studies conducted, the effectiveness of these eight are ease indigestion and enhance athletic ability, ease muscle soreness, adjuvant treatment of rheumatic joint inflammation, relieve menopausal syndrome, skin, treatment of male infertility and fat


Magical theanine

Theanine is a unique tea free amino acids. Theanine has a sweet taste, it is the main component of sweet tea moisture. (1) may affect neurotransmitters in the brain, improve memory (2) sedation can prevent neurological disorders, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, and so on. (3) protects nerve cells may be used to prevent cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage, stroke, cerebral ischemia and Alzheimer's and other diseases. (4) have hypotensive effect (5) can enhance anti-cancer drugs (6) and its efficacy can inhibit cancer cell invasion (7) can improve immunity.


Astaxanthin great discovery

Astaxanthin is widely found in nature, such as most crustaceans and salmonids body, plant leaves, flowers, fruits, and flamingo feathers moderate. Astaxanthin effective anti-tumor, prevent cancer, enhance immunity, improve vision.

       One natural Astaxanthin world's strongest natural antioxidants, effectively remove oxygen free radicals within cells, enhancing cell regeneration, maintain body balance and reduce the accumulation of senescent cells from the inside out to protect healthy cells and DNA, thereby protect the skin health, promote hair growth, anti-aging, relieve exercise-induced fatigue and vigor.

     Since 2008, a large number of domestic and international studies confirm that astaxanthin has a strong antioxidant activity, have a positive role in improving the immune system, prevent the development of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases, aging, etc.


Last century reports about lycopene

In early twentieth Century 50 years, medical experts have reported for the first time USA lycopene has anti-cancer effect, then the emergence of a large number of relevant reports.

  The study found that,(Astragalus Extract) the occurrence of lycopene in the blood effective concentration and breast cancer, prostate cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and other cancer presented negative correlation (Bramley, 2000; Livny, 2002; Wertz, 2004,Nayan, 2005).

  There is currently no found reports of intaking of lycopene to make the cancer incidence increase( Hawthorne Berry Extract ) .


Lycopene can inhibit cancer

  1. Lycopene has strong antioxidant effect, quenching free radicals, from the source to protect the animal body from infringement.
  2. The lycopene can block the tissue cell gene mutation in under the action of outside world (Seval, 2006).
  3. The mechanism of oxidative damage and decreased cell membrane.
  4. The induction of gap junctional intercellular communication mechanism, gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC,fruit powder) is an important way to connect and exchange information between cells and structures, most tumor cells GJIC function weak or absent, malignant transformation cells after the GJIC function significantly decreased or inhibited.Lycopene can through the GJIC to tumor cells is inhibited or destroyed communication 
  5. Lycopene Softgels ,function restoration (Karas, 1999).
    The inhibition of tumor, cancer cell proliferation (Adetayo, 2005).


Lycopene in the animal feed

Rao (2000), Takeoka et al. (2001) study found that serum and tissue lycopene levels showed a significant negative correlation with the occurrence of many chronic diseases, add tomato red in animal feed element natural plant extract can effectively prevent a variety of diseases, Lycopene Oil ,the protection of animal body to avoid infringement, reduce the loss of animal husbandry.


The experiment found of lycopene

Li Hui et al (2005) test in the study of lycopene on oxidative damage in rats also obtained the same results. Matos (2000), Velmurugan (2002), Balaiya (2005), Kazim (2006) in the study of lycopene on lipid peroxidation effects of different tests are found that,Dried Apple Powder

  Lycopene can significantly reduce the degree of lipid peroxidation, protect biological membranes of mammalian and DNA against free radical( Lycopene Oil ) damage, can effectively prevent and reduce the incidence of disease.


Lycopene physical and chemical effect

Singlet oxygen and peroxyl radicals in vivo has strong activity of free radicals, lycopene can synergy by physical and chemical methods, singlet oxygen quenching and capture the excessive body and peroxide free radicals.

  Pan et al. (2004) to study the effect of lycopene on Antioxidation of rats body, test 4 weeks after (instant fruit drink powder) the detection of plasma and liver in rats SOD (SOD) activity, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), compared with the control group the experimental group rats, SOD, GSH-Px and T-AOC activity increased significantly, MDA content had significantly lower trend, that Lycopene Softgels with antioxidation function.


The free radical in the role of lycopene

Free radicals( lycopene oil ) can stimulate the growth and differentiation of cells at low concentrations, which is protective agent cells from damage and infection.

  However, free radicals ( Lycopene Softgels )containing unpaired electrons is highly reactive, triggered a chain reaction of free radical easily at high concentrations, caused by DNA, proteins and lipids, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids macromolecules such as degeneration and crosslinking, DNA damage, biological membrane, an important structure protein and the function of protein.

  The antioxidant capacity in many of the carotenoid lycopene Astaxanthin  in the strongest, the main reason is because of its molecules containing multiple conjugated double bond and lycopene in chemistry during the regeneration effect.


Two sources of free radicals (lycopene)

Free radicals ( Lycopene Oil ) are unpaired atoms or functional groups containing a kind of instantaneous electronic form, prevalent in biological systems. The presence of free radicals in vivo animal has two kinds of different sources,

One is the exogenous free radical instant fruit drink powder in the environment of high temperature, radiation, photodegradation, chemical substances cause.

The two is the endogenous free radical production in various metabolic reactions. The endogenous free radical is the main source of animal body free radical ( lycopene ).


Bio-Safety of astaxanthin

The use of chemical synthesis of astaxanthin means  inevitably introduce the impurity of chemical substances, such as generating in the process of synthesis of non natural by-products, will reduce its bioavailability safety.

  With the rise of natural astaxanthin, countries in the world on the management of the chemical synthesis of astaxanthin is more and more strict, such as USA the food and Drug Administration (FDA),which have banned the chemical synthesis of astaxanthin into foods and dietary supplements (Supplements) market.

  Natural astaxanthin made general security authentication in FDA (GRAS), can legitimately into foods and dietary supplements on the market.

  Astaxanthin production tend to develop natural astaxanthin biological (plant) sources, thus make large-scale production.


The lower absorption effect of artificial astaxanthin

Artificial astaxanthin biological absorption effect is worse than natural astaxanthin .

  When feed concentration is low, the artificial astaxanthin in rainbow trout concentration in blood was significantly lower than that of natural astaxanthin, and in vivo does not translate into a natural configuration, the coloring ability and biological potency of more than the same concentration of natural astaxanthin much lower.


The lower stability of synthetic astaxanthin

The stability and antioxidant activity of synthetic astaxanthin is lower than natural astaxanthin . Because astaxanthin molecular ends of the hydroxyl (-OH) can be esterified led to its stability is not the same.

  There are more than 90% natural astaxanthin ester form, so more stable.Astaxanthin synthesis in the free state in the presence of stability is not the same, therefore, astaxanthin synthesis must make embedding to stability.

  Synthesis of astaxanthin as left-handed structure is only about 1/4, so its antioxidant activity is only natural about 1/4.


That 's astaxanthin!

In 1944 the British biochemist Tisher -- first  confirmed the red substance is astaxanthin.

  Mcpherson astaxanthin is a carotenoid, since the 90's of last century, the domestic surgery circles caused great concern and has done a large number of experimental studies.

  The research results show that,astaxanthin is found to be the strongest natural antioxidants to this day , antioxidant ability is 550 times of vitamin E!

Haematococcus pluvialis's strong vitality is thanks to this layer of protective shield to astaxanthin .


what 's the key role of haematococcus pluvialis

Haematococcus pluvialis ability to adapt to the environment is extremely strong.Under appropriate growth conditions, it takes the flagellated swarmer cell for rapid growth and reproduction.When the condition becomes severe, motile cells of Haematococcus pluvialis will lose their flagella, cell wall thickening, accumulation of a large number of substances and red cells, which entered the A state of dormancy.

  After dormant for 40 years the cells are still activated, in suitable conditions, can multiply to produce new green cells. The tenacious vitality and the environmental adaptability of Haematococcus pluvialis sparked great interest to the scientific community, scientists speculated, the red material of Haematococcus pluvialis cells may play a key role .


Inoculation uterus for natural astaxanthin

A large number of study shows that  Haematococcus pluvialis's accumulation rate and the total production of astaxanthin is higher than the other  algae. Haematococcus astaxanthin with its esters content ratio (single monoester, diester and about 70% 5% 25%) and the ratio of aquaculture animal itself is very similar, which is the advantage of astaxanthin extraction through chemical synthesis and  the use of  phaffiarhodozyma do not possess .

  In addition, the structure of astaxanthin in haematococcuspluvialis mainly consists of 3S 3 'S type, consistent with the salmon and other aquatic organisms astaxanthin structure, and the structure of Phaffia rhodozyma astaxanthin is a 3 R type 3R.

  Haematococcus pluvialis was recognized as the best biological, production of natural astaxanthin  in nature, therefore, there's no doubt  have wide development perspective undoubtedly for using this microalgae extract astaxanthin,which has become a hot research topic in the international on the production of natural astaxanthin.


3 kinds of biological source of natural astaxanthin

That is extracted from the aquatic product processing industry waste, all kinds of seafood processing waste.

  • Yeast extract

Colonies bacterial of phaffia rhodozyma in yeast produce astaxanthin and other carotenoids turning red.Carotenoids are uniformly distributed in cell lipids. The average content of astaxanthin by natural phaffia rhodozyma is 0.40%. Therefore, red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma  for overproducing astaxanthin attracted much attention .

  • Algae extract

Natural astaxanthin  mainly from haematococcus pluvialis. Haematococcus pluvialis in nature in the main growth distribution is formed in the small pond and small temporary blisters after the rain water ,which is microorganisms synthesis and accumulation of  the most astaxanthin in nature.


Biological acquisition of astaxanthin

In astaxanthin artificial synthetic and biological acquisition two ways, we look at access to biological pathway.

  • biological acquisition

  In addition to the artificial chemical synthesis, natural astaxanthin biological sources generally has 3 kinds,aquatic products processing industry waste, red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma (Phaffia rhodozyma) and microalgae (Haematococcus pluvialis).

Among them, the astaxanthin content of waste in the lower, and the extraction of high cost, not suitable for large-scale production.

  The average content of  natural astaxanthin by phaffiarhodozyma also is only 0.40%. In contrast, Haematococcus pluvialis in astaxanthin content is up to 1.5% ~ 3%, so it is regarded as the product of natural astaxanthin concentration .


Physical and chemical properties of astaxanthin

Astaxanthin chemical name: 3, 3 '- two hydroxy -4, 4' - two keto beta carotene, cytochrome Aj067-69 CAS No: 472-61-7, a molecular formula of C40H52O4, the molecular weight of 596.86.For both ends of the hydroxyl (-OH) optical reasons,astaxanthin has the 3 different patterns of3S-3'S, 3R-3' S, 3R-3'R (also known as left-handed, meso, right) , in which a mixture of artificial synthetic astaxanthin is 3 kinds of structure of astaxanthin (sinistral dextral accounted for 25%, accounted for 25%, eliminating internal rotating about 50%), few antioxidant activity, be quite different from astaxanthin  of aquaculture organisms such as  salmon (in the trans structure -- 3S-3 S type)  .

  Astaxanthin of yeast source is 100% right-handed (3R-3'R),with part of antioxidant activity.

  The two sources of astaxanthin mainly used innon food animals and supplies coloring.Only astaxanthin of algae source is 100% L (3S-3'S) structure, with the strongest biological activity.


The ability of scavenging free radicals,astaxanthin

Natural astaxanthin antioxidative activity exceed existing antioxidants. Its ability to scavenge free radicals as follows, astaxanthin is 6000 times of the effects of vitamin C, 1000 times of vitamin E ,800 times of coenzyme Q10,1800 times of nitric oxide,3100 times of natto, 700 times of anthocyanin,100 times of the beta carotene is lycopene ,1800 times of lycopene,200 times  of Lutein, 320 times of tea polyphenols.

  Only algae and yeast , bacteria can produce astaxanthin, which higher animal cannot change the chemical structure. Natural astaxanthin has a clear characteristic, which is only one carotenoid  through the blood brain barrier .


Two ways of obtaining astaxanthin

Astaxanthin production with synthetic and biological acquisition in two ways. Synthetic astaxanthin is not only expensive, but also with significant difference of the natural astaxanthin in structure, function, application and safety etc.

  Artificial synthesis is the chemical method, which prepared from the carotenoid astaxanthin.Biological method to obtain the biological source of natural astaxanthin, in general there are 3, aquatic products processing industry waste, red yeast Phaffia rhodozyma and microalgae (mainly Haematococcus pluvialis).

  Astaxanthin can use chemical method from carotene prepared. This is the main source of astaxanthin in fish feed, the world have the capacity to synthesize production is BASF, DSM, Zhejiang NHU company Ltd.and Zhejiang pharmaceutical.

  Apart from the algae extract,as the two kind of method of the addition of shrimp waste extraction of astaxanthin producing yeast extract  is more expensive, This is why chemical synthesis approach is commonly used.


Lycopene and seabuckthorn fruit oil cooperation

Seabuckthorn fruit oilas the filler of vegetable oil  in lycopene soft capsule,contains a lot of and antioxidants,which can directly effect the body and prevent the body peroxidation, accelerating the elimination of peroxide of free radical in vivo , with strong antioxidant effect.

  Lycopene and seabuckthorn fruit oil cooperation, has anti radiation effect. And it can improve the result of radiation caused by the female endocrine disorders, symptoms of abnormal menstruation, complexion dark and gloomy, yellow brown spots, to balance the endocrine, cosmetic removing chloasma role.


Function test of lycopene

  1. Function test of lycopene displays,beyond  strong radiation, lycopene can significantly increase the number of white blood cells in the blood of the human body and the effective protection of human SOD.Therefore, lycopene has the functions of preventing and anti injury effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.
  2. Anti-tumor and anti mutagenesis effect. One of the physiological mechanism of tumor formation is the tissue cells in the outside world under the function of the gene mutation, lycopene can block this process, anti-cancer effect change
  3. Cardiovascular protective effect. Lycopene can protect low density lipoprotein against oxidative damage, which can prevent cardiovascular disease.
  4. Lycopene on prostate disease, breast disease has inhibitory effect which has been acknowledged.


Astaxanthin,a significant finding !

Some people say: astaxanthin found shoulder to shoulder penicillin  in early twentieth century. Since the discovery of penicillin led to antibiotics widely used, almost destroyed pneumonia, meningitis and other infectious diseases of high incidence which troubled human.

  Today, the medical profession also finally confirmed,chronic diseases troubled human nowadays , such as high cholesterol, diabetes, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, gout and other metabolic diseases.Its pathogenesis is Oxidative Stress, as the Tongji Medical College professor Wu Zhigang said, oxidative damage is the mother of all injury.

  If we can effectively prevent oxidative stress injury in  early onset, we  also expected to terminate or delay the occurrence and development of this kind of disease. ASTA astaxanthin cell antioxidant  as penicillin against bacterial infection, which can be inferred, with the cognition and application of astaxanthin, the chronic diseases above will also be expected to be effectively controlled in this century.


The summary of lycopene

Lycopene ,a kind of important carotenoid,widely distributed in nature,content higher in the mature red fruit crop.such as tomatoes, carrots, watermelon,highest in tomato ,each 100g content of up to 3 ~ 14mg.

In addition, lycopene content and plant fruit maturity has a direct positive relationship.The relative molecular mass of lycopene was 536.85.Molecular formula is C40H56, containing 11 conjugated double bonds and 2 non conjugated double bond.Easily soluble in chloroformand benzene,can soluble in ether and acetone,hardly insoluble in methanol and ethanol, insoluble in water. Natural plant lycopene almost exsit in trans structure form, after entering the animal body lycopene exist isomers , but with more cis isomers .

In the animal body, lycopene by intestinal absorption and plasma chylomicron binding into lymphatic, then with the blood circulation distributed to all of the tissues of the body organs, but mainly accumulated in low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein, but present more  in the liver, testes, adrenal gland other tissues and organs.


Theanine,activists in animals and plants

Many physiological functions of tea was confirmed by scientific, the health composition has aroused people's widespread interest. Research on tea polyphenols at the beginning of last century has made great achievements.In recent studies of other health ingredients of tea ,theanine is a more noticeable compound .

Theanine is one of the unique chemical components of tea  , aka N- ethyl - -L- glutamine, accounted for 50% in the total free amino acid of tea  and 1% to 2% of the dry weight of tea . Theanine is white needle crystal, solubling in water, with the sweet and fresh crisp taste, taste thresholds of 0.06%,which is the main component of tea fresh taste.

  • metabolism in plants

  Theanine in tea root ,synthesis of glutamic acid and triethylamine which catalyzed by theanine synthetase, and then sendto the leaf through the branches, accumulating in the leaves. The first leaf and bud content in the highest, gradually reduce down. In the light irradiation theanine  will be decomposed into glutamic acid and ethylamine. Glutamate turns to nitrogen source, triethylamine was used for the synthesis of catechins after oxidated. The catabolism of shielding the light condition was inhibited in.

  Therefore, the content of Theanine in tea shade cultivation of higher. The opposite is the high content of polyphenols. Japanese Yulu, grinding tea (Matcha tea raw material) is the use of shading cultivation method to improve tea tea ammonia acid content.

  • metabolism in animals
  Oral administration of theanine absorbed by brush border of intestinal mucosa . Uptaking mode is similar to glutamine  ,which need carrier depending on sodium ion , but the affinity lower  7 times than glutamine . Absorbed theanine rapidly into the blood and liver, these of brain, blood and liver  reached maximum in 1 hours before and after.  

  Theanine concentration in the brain  arrive the highest in 5 hours , then decreased gradually, which gone after 24 hours of these organizations .

  Site of metabolism of theanine is kidney, part in the kidney decomposed into triethylamine and glutamate excreted through the urine , another part direct ly discharge in vitro.


Why astaxanthin can make salmon, shrimp, crab red?

Astaxanthin is a kind of pigment, can give the ornamental fish, salmon, shrimp and flamingo pink color. Its chemical structure is similar to that of beta carotene. Astaxanthin is a kind of carotenoids,the highest level of product of carotenoid synthesis. beta carotene, lutein, lycopene and canthaxanthin, are nothing but the intermediate product of carotenoid biosynthesis.

  Therefore,astaxanthin has the strongest antioxidant  in nature,which is caused by the nature of algae, bacteria and phytoplankton.Astaxanthin  also known as  lobster shell pigment, pink, widely exists in the biosphere, especially high content of shrimp, crab, fish, algae, yeast and bird feathers.

  Some aquatic species, including shrimp, crab, shellfish are eating the algae and plankton, then put this pigment store in the shell, and their appearance turn red. The shellfish animal  hunted by  fish (salmon, trout, Gary fish), birds (Flamingo, Zhu Lu) and chicken, duck, and then put the pigment in the skin and adipose tissue storage.

 This is the reason why salmon and other animal in red . Huazhong Agricultural University professor of China also study confirmed,red components of Natural Red duck's egg is the core of natural astaxanthin.

  Natural astaxanthin  , the strongest in the world of natural antioxidants,can removes oxygen free radicals within the cell, enhance cell regeneration capacity, to maintain body balance and decrease the accumulation of senescent cells, from the inside to protect cells and DNA health, so as to protect the skin health, promoting hair growth, anti aging, ease of movement fatigue, enhance the vitality .